
Going to church is great, being a part of church is even better. At Pathway there are a lot of ways to get involved; we hope that all of them will help people know that they are seen, valued, and loved. 


We believe an essential part of transformation is to study God’s Word with other people! The Bible is clear that we are supposed to be in community with fellow believers, sharing life and meals (Acts 2:42-47) and spurring one another on in love (Hebrews 10:24-25). We know you will be able to find a group that’s just right for you!

Community Groups are small groups that meet at various times and locations throughout the week. All Community Groups are designed for new people to jump in at any time. No class or previous Bible knowledge is required. 

Our groups all share six things in common: Food, fun, prayer, linking, Bible, and preparation.


Food brings people together. All you need to do is think about holidays and coffee shops to know that food allows for more open communication and deeper relationship development. We make no claim as to know why this is true, but we believe it is. Therefore, every Community Group shares food.


Time away from the serious things of life allows for people to learn more about each other and develop lasting friendships. Community Groups take time to do fun things together. Sometimes it is in place of the regular meeting and sometimes it is separate, but every group has fun.


In our groups we spend time sharing prayer requests, praying for those within our groups, and praying for other major prayer needs within the church. The connecting power of prayer is amazing.


Our Community Groups give each person a direct link to the pastor and ministry leaders of our church. In each Community there is a leader in charge of linking people with spiritual or physical needs to the right pastor, ministry leader, or resources available in our church.


At the center of our groups is Scripture. The Bible is important to all we do as a church and our groups are no different. It is a common denominator for our people and an integral part of building community. 


Part of the importance of our groups is found in what happens when the groups aren't together. Everyone in our groups is challenged to prepare in different ways throughout the week. This can take the form of spiritual disciplines, Bible study, or weekly challenges. 


Kids are the future. Thus, we think it is incredibly valuable to invest in them. To do this we have programs and events to help kids love God, grow together, and serve others.  We also strive to work with parents to disciple children. 


Kids classes are available for kids ages birth – grade 5. They will have the opportunity to worship together, play games, and be discipled at an age appropriate level.


Our middle school and high school students meet every Tuesday night for food, games, Bible study, and small groups. They also meet together for events and camps throughout the year.


On top of our community groups, we have opportunities for men and women to gather together in hopes that they will be edified and encouraged in their faith. 


Women are invited to participate in a monthly prayer night and periodic events. Check out our events page to see upcoming events.


Men meet together for a monthly breakfast and periodic events. Check our events page to see upcoming events.